
Evan McCarthy '22 captains IDEAWORKS' Electric Race Boat

The Electric Engine That Could


IDEAWORKS' Electric Race Boat 茶m Takes 第一个 Place in Manned Category at 2022 Promoting Electric Propulsion Race

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Ben Wang accepts his diploma at commencement

Goose Nation Graduates!


在晴朗的天空下, the class of 2022 was cheered on by family and friends as they accepted their newly minted degrees.

  • 2022届毕业生
  • 毕业典礼
Ruvo三胞胎 baseball team photo

The 最后的 Ride: Ruvo三胞胎 Get Ready for Final Shared Milestone


“我的一生, I’ve had these two built-in best friends with me, so being out there in the world without them is going to be really different,本·鲁沃说, on how it feels to be approaching graduation, the last shared milestone with his siblings.

  • Ruvo三胞胎
  • 2022届毕业生